Quick & Easy Setup

5K+ Customers

No Prepayment or
Hidden Fees

200 branches all
over world

Bank with us

Interested in banking with us?
Use the button below to proceed

Open Account

Why Choose Champion Finance Bank

Some reasons you would like to bank with us

No Hidden Fees

Less Documents

Specialist Team

Simple Account Opening Process

It is easy to open an account with us following the below steps

Choose Account Type

Choose your account type

Provide Document

Need to provide some basic documents for verification

Activate Account

You will receive an email notification to activate your account.

Bank with us

Once account is activated, you will be able to enjoy our services in full.

Worldwide Network

We understand that we аrе ореrаtіng in a dynamic environment аnd hаvе evolved our strategy tо maximize the opportunity іn аn іnсrеаѕіnglу digital global world. Wіth our full wоrldwіdе network, wе are еvоlvіng tо mееt thе changing nееdѕ оf millions of сuѕtоmеrѕ асrоѕѕ different borders.


Get in Touch

Have any enquiries? use the contact form below to submit your queries or call us on +13522318618